Braden on the left, Jesse on the right
Braden on the left, Jesse on the right

This online library was created by Braden Downing and Jesse Massari in 2019 while avoiding work and the stress of college. They created this website to help anyone who needs last minute audition materials at 2 am, or just wants an accessible resource to aid in their search. They hope the future officers and teacher keep up the website and continue to update it. One section Braden is proud of is the one-act section. The playwriting class at cypress is given the task of writing a one-act, then the one-acts are voted on and chosen to perform for an audience. She has taken the winning one acts and placed them here, in hopes they will spark creativity or inspiration. If you look to the left you can see those cuties. Braden likes to call this her "literal baby" so please enjoy the website! This is their sen19r gift to you.

CLHS |CLHS doesn't have the right to these monologues | created by Braden Downing and jesse massari
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