this is our G
Lickspittles, Buttonholders and Damned Pernicious Go-Betweens --- Adams, Johnna
Rough Magic --- Aguirre-Sacasa, Roberto
The Goat Or, Who Is Sylvia? --- Albee,Edward
Duck Hunter Shoots Again --- Albom, Mitch
Little Women --- Alcott, Laurence
Time Out for Ginger --- Alexander, Ronald
Play It Again, Sam --- Allan, Woody (4 copies)
Don't Drink the Water --- Allan, Woody (3 copies)
The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie --- Allen, Jay Presson
The Red Shoes --- Andersen, Hans Christen
The Baby Dance --- Anderson, Jane
Becket --- Anouilh, Jean
Antigone--- Anoulih, Jean
The LaAnouilhlih, Jean 2
Lysisrata --- Aristophanes
How the Other Half Loves --- Ayckbourn, Allan
Relativley Speaking --- Ayckbourn, Allan
Woman In Mind --- Ayckbourn, Allan (2 copies)
The Norman Conquests --- Ayckbourn, Allan
Confusions --- Ayckbourn,Alan
Southern Girls --- Bailey/Temple
Circle Mirror Transformation --- Baker, Annie
39 Steps --- Barlow, Patrick
The Painted Face --- Bass/Hoffmire
The Little Dog Laughed --- Beane, Douglas Carter
The Country Club --- Beane, Douglas Carter
The Rover --- Behn, Aphra
Who's Crazy Now --- Bell, Gerald
The History Boys --- Bennett, Allan
Paradise Infirm --- Bermann, Karl
Barretts of Wimpole Street --- Besier, Rudolf
Eleemosynary --- Blessing, Lee
A Gap in Generations --- Blunt, Jerry (2 copies)
A Man For All Seasons --- Bolt, Robert
Saved --- Bond, Edward
Crossin' The Line --- Bosakowski, Phil
The Martin Chronicles --- Bradbury, Ray
Fahrenheit 451 --- Bradbury, Ray
Drop Dead --- Braun, Wilbur
Rehearsal for Murder --- Brooke, D.D.
Woyzeck --- Buchner, Georg 2
Cactus Flower --- Burrows, Abe (2 copies)
Psycho Beach Party --- Busch, Charles
Graceland --- Byron, Ellen
Asleep on the Wind --- Byron, Ellen
Caligula --- Camus, Albert
Last Gas --- Cariani, John
Victoria's House --- Carmichael, Fred
Scenes for Aspiring Actors --- Cassady, Marsh
Pudd'nhead Wilson --- Chadwicke, Alice
Hope For Breakfast --- Champerlain, Marisha
Scheherazade --- Champerlain, Marisha
Harvey ----Chase, Mary (4 copies)
Chekhov Compilation --- Chekhov, Anton
A Doll's House --- Chekhov, Anton
A Murder is Announced --- Christie, Agatha
The Mousetrap --- Christie, Agatha
Top Girls --- Churchill, Caryl
Cloud Nine --- Churchill, Caryl
You'll Love My Wife --- Clinton, Edward
Medal of Honor Rag --- Cole, Tom
Servant of two masters --- Cone, Tom
The Code Breaker --- Conley, Pauline C. (2 copies)
Run For Your Wife --- Cooney, Ray
The Liar --- Corneille, Pierre
Blithe Spirit --- Coward, Noel (2 copies)
Pizza Man --- Craviotto, Darlene
The Shadows Box --- Cristofer, Michael
The First Time Club --- Curran, KT
Volpone or The Fox Johnson --- Davidson, Harlan
Mass Appeal --- Davis, Bill
Dracula --- Dean/Balderson
Voices 2000 --- Dee, Peter
...and stuff... ---- Dee, Peter
The Rememberer --- Dietz, Steven
Tracers --- DiFusco, John
Over the River and Through the Woods --- DiPietro, Joe
Rounding Third ---- Dresser, Richard (2 copies)
I Remember Mama --- Druten, John Van
Scapino --- Dunlop/Dale
Sister mary Ignatius Explains it All for you --- Durang, Christopher
The Actors's Nightmare ---- Durang, Christopher
Durang/Durang---- Durang, Christopher
Vanya and Sonia and Masha and Spike ---- Durang, Christopher
India Song ---- Duras, Marguerite
The Visit --- Durrenmapp, Friedrich
Anna Karenina ---- Edmundson, Helen
Wit ---- Edson, Margaret (2 copies)
The Flu Season --- Eno, Will
The Good Body ---- Ensler, Eve
Medea --- Euripides (5 copies)
The Bacchae --- Euripides
Hecuba ---- Euripides
Stage Door --- Ferber/Kaufman (2 copies)
The Last of the Thorntons --- Foote, Horton
No mother to guide her; or more to be pitied than censured --- Forsythe, Anthony
Father of the Bride --- Francke, Caroline
Alas, Babylon --- Frank, Pat
Copenhagen --- Frayn, Michael
A Bedfull of Foreigners ---- Freeman, Dave
Look Homeward, Angel ---- Frings, Ketti
The Lady's Not For Burning ---- Fry, Christopher
My Children! My Africa! ---- Fugard, Athol
Master Harold and the Boys---- Fugard, Athol (2 copies)
I'm Not Rappaport ---- Gadner, Herb
A Flear in Her Ear --- Galati, Frank (3 copies)
A Hateful of Rain ---- Gazzo, Michael V.
Butterflies are Free --- Gershe, Leonard (2 copies)
[sic]--- Gibson, Melissa James
The Miracle Worker ---Gibson, Wiliam
The Butterfingers Angel, Mary & Joseph, Herod the Nut, & The Slaughter of 12 Hit Carols in a Pair Tree ---- Gibson, William (2 copies)
The Mikado ---- Gilbert, William Schwenck (2 copies)
The Jury Room --- Gilford, C.B.
Spinning into Butter --- Gilman, Rebecca
Don't Count on Forever --- Gilsenan, Nancy
The Crucifer of Blood --- Giovanni, Paul
Tigar at the Gates ---- Giraudoux, Jean
The Enchanted ---- Giraudoux, Jean
Louder, I can't hear you ---- Gleason, Bill (2 copies)
The Pink Panther Strikes Again --- Gleason, William
Shakers --- Godber/Thornton
Faust (part one) --- Goethe,Johann Wolfgang Von
The Government Inspector ---- Gogol (2 copies)
The Inspector General ---- Gogol (3 copies)
She Stoops to Conquer --- Goldsmith, Oliver (4 copies)
The Diary of Anne Frank --- Goodrich/Hacket
Come back to the 5 & Dime, --- Jimmy Dean, Jimmy Dean Graczyk, Ed
Push Grant, George Cameron
How i Got that story --- Gray, Amlin
Quartermain's Term --- Gray, Simon
The Boys Next Door --- Griffin, Tom (4 copies)
The Undercover Lover ---- Grote, David
The House of Blue Leaves --- Guare, John
Six Degrees of Separation --- Guare, John (2 copies)
Our Lady of 121st Street ---- Guirgis, Stephen Adly
Cocktail Hour --- Gurney, A.R.
The Dining Room ---- Gurney, A.R.
Fearful Symmetry ---- Haehnel, Alan
15 Reasons Not to Be in a Play ---- Haehnel, Alan
Hollywood Arms ---- Hamilton/ Burnet
84 Charing Cross Road ---- Hannff, Helene
A Raisin in the Sun ---- Hansberry, Lorraine (2 copies)
Song of Survival --- Harder, Eleanor/ Ray
The Vertical Hour --- Hare, David
Plenty --- Hare, David
The Immigrant --- Harlik, Mark
Making Choices --- Harrel, Wayne
The Dresser --- Harwood, Ronald
Vanities ---- Heifner, Jack
The Little Foxes --- Hellman, Lilian
The Lucky Spot ----Henley, Beth
Impossible Marriage ---- Henley, Beth
Blue Denim ---- Herlihy/Noble
Approaching Zanzibar --- Howe, Tina (2 copies)
Painting Churches --- Howe, Tina
The Art of Dining --- Howe, Tina (3 copies)
See Rock City ---- Hutton, Arlene
M.Butterfly ----Hwang, David Henry (2 copies)
Four Ibsen Plays ----- Ibsen, Henrik
Polaroid Stories --- Iizuka, Naomi
Mystery Play --- Itallie,Jean-Clude Van
Troubled Times --- Jacoby, Bruce
An Act of God ----Javerbaun, David
A Tale of Two Cities ---- Johnson, Robert
Stones in His Pocket --- Jones, Marie
Rashbomon --- Kanin, Fay/Micheal (4 copies)
Born Yesterday ---- Kanin, Garson (2 copies)
Speech and Debate ----- Karam, Stephen
The Empty Chair -------Kelly, Tim
Dirty Work in High Places ----- Kelly, Tim (3 copies)
It Was a Dark and Stormy ---- Kelly, Tim
Sweeney Todd ---- Kelly, Tim
M*A*S*H ----- Kelly, Tim
Murder in the Magnolias ----- Kelly, Tim
Les Miserables ----- Kelly, Tim
Jane Eyre ---- Kendall, Jane
Poor Richard ---- Kerr, Jean
My Sister in THis House ---- Kesselman
Arsenic and Old Lace ---- Kesselring, Joseph (2 copies)
Fresh Horses ---- Ketron, Larry
See How They Run --- King, Philip (2 copies)
Cyrano ---- Kornhauser, Barry
The Normal Heart ---- Kramer, Larry
Tables Settings ---- Lapine, James
A Piece of My heart ---- Lauro, Shirley
The Thread That Runs So True --- Lawrence, Reginald
Auntie Mame --- Lawrence/ Lee (2 copies)
The Night Thoreau Spent in Jail ---- Lawrence/ Lee (2 copies)
Colored People's Time ---- Lee, Leslie
And they dance real slow in jackson ---- Leonard Jr., Jim (2 copies)
The Diviners ----- Leonard Jr., Jim
"Da" ---- Leonard, Hugh
Anna K ---- Leontovich, Eugene
The Sprial Staircase ---- Leslie, Andrew
Superior Donuts ---- Letts, Tracy
Critics Choice ---- Levin, Ira
Bike America ---- Lew, Mike
Fuddy Meers ---- Lindsay-Abaire, David
Rabit Hole ---- Lindsay-Abaire, David
The Waverly Gallery ---- Lonergan, Kenneth
Lobby Hero ---- Lonergan, Kenneth
Rhinoceros ---- Lonesco, Eugene
Prelude to a Kiss ---- Lucas, Craig (2 copies)
J.B. --- MacLeish, Archibald
The Shallow End and The Lost Colony ---- MacLeod, Wendy
Race ---- Mamet, David
Oleanna --- Mamet, David (2 copies)
A Life in the Theatre --- Mamet, David
After Miss Julie ---- Marber, Patrick
Collected Stories ---- Marguiles, Donald
Brooklyn Boys ---- Marguiles, Donald
Dinner With Friends ---- Marguiles, Donald
The Loman Family Picnic ----- Marguiles, Donald
Dinner With Friends --- Margulies,Donald
Wrong Turn at Lungfish ---- Marshall/Ganz
Kelly and Du ---- Martin, Jane
The Woolgatherer ---- Mastrosimone, William
Extremites----- Mastrosimone, William
The Member of the Wedding club ---- McCullers, Carson
The Pillowman ---- McDonagh, Martin
The Pillowman ---- McDonagh, Martin
Dolls ---- McDonough, Jerome
Asylum ---- McDonough, Jerome 2
Addict --- McDonough, Jerome
Electra ---- McGuinness, Frank
The Day They Shot John ----- Lennon McLure, James
Love!VAlour!Compassion! ---- McNally, Terrence
Frankie and Johnny in the Clair De Lune ---- McNally, Terrence
Sweet Eros ---- McNally, Terrence
Witness ---- McNally, Terrence
Master Class ---- McNally, Terrence
Dublin Carol --- McPherson,Conor
14 More Ways to Screw Up Your College Interview --- McWethy, Ian
After-Play ---- Meara, Anne
The Crucible --- Miller, Arthur (2 copies)
Playng for Time ---- Miller, Arthur (2 copies)
All My Sons ---- Miller, Arthur
The Incredible Years ---- Miller, Ev
Sticks 'N Stones ---- Miller, Ev
That Championship Season ----- Miller, Jason
Another Country ---- Mitchell, Julian
The Miser ---- Moliere (4 copies)
The Docotr in Spite of Himself ---- Moliere
Tartuffe ---- Moliere (3 copies)
The School for Wives ---- Moliere
Amphityron --- Moliere
The Imaginary Invalid --- Moliere
The School for Husbands ---- Moliere
Babies having Babies ---- Montgomery/Auerbach
Frost/Nixon ----- Morgan, Peter
Southern Discomfort --- Morreale Jr., Vin
Audition for Murder --- Moushey, Eileen
Something in my Dreams --- Muschell, David
Adventures of Huckleberry --- Finn Myler, Randal
The Rainmaker ---- Nash, N. Richard (2 copies)
The Guys ---- Nelson, Anne
Some Americans Abroad ----- Nelson, Richard
To Be Young, Gifted and Black ----- Nemiroff, Robert (3 copies)
Shooting Stars --- Newman, Molly
She Kills Monsters ---- Nguyen, Qui (2 copies)
Joe Egg ---- Nichols, Peter
Shadowlands ---- Nicholson, William
Robin Hood --- Nigro,Don (2 copies)
Vincent --- Nimoy, Leonard
Getting Out ---- Norman, Marsha
Night Mother --- Norman, Marsha
Clybourne Park --- Norris, Bruce (2 copies)
Summer of the Aliens --- Nowra,Louis
Henery.. Sweet Henry --- Nunnally/Merrill
Once a Catholic ---- O'Malley, Mary (2 copies)
The Iceman Cometh ---- O'Neill, Eugene (2 copies)
Noah --- Obey, Andre
The Country Girl ---- Odets,Clifford
What the Butler Saw ---- Orton,Joe
And The Flights of Angels --- Ortwein, Terrence
Morning's at Seven ---- Osborn,Paul (3 copies)
Dags --- Oswald, Debra
Topdog Underdog --- Park,Suzan-Lori
Scooter Thomas Makes it to The Top of The World --- Parnell,Peter
USA --- Passos/Shyre
Everybody Loves Opal ----- Patrick, John
The Hasty Heart ---- Patrick, John
The Teahouse of The August Moon --- Patrick,John
Evelyn In Purgatory ----- Payne, Topher
The Way of The World Congreve ---- Perry, Henry T.E.
Reindeer Soup ----- Pintauro, Joe
The Hothouse ---- Pinter,Harold
Betrayal ---- Pinter,Harold
Six Characters in Search of an Author --- Pirandello, Luigi
The Elephant Man ---- Pomerance, Bernard (2 copies)
Among Friends and Clutter---- Price,Lindsay
Wait Wait Bo Bait ---- Price,Lindsay
Plays in Ten ---- Raine, David S.
Night of January 16th ----- Rand,Ayn
Check, Please ---- Rand,Jonathan (2 copies)
Reservations ---- Rand,Lisa
6 Rms Riv Vu ---- Randall,Bob
Where the Lilies Bloom ---- Raspanti,Celeste (2 copies)
David and Lisa --- Reach, James (2 copies)
The Dream of the Burning Boy --- Read, David West
O Beautiful --- Rebeck Theresa
Insight --- Regina,Emilio
Any Wednesday --- Resnik,Muriel
Dark of the Moon --- Richardson/Berney
Album--- Rimmer,David (2 copies)
Get Bill Shakespeare Off the Stage! --- Robinette, Joseph
Charlotte's Web ---- Robinette, Joseph
Here and Now ----- Rogers,David (2 copies)
Flowers for Algernon ---- Rogers,David (2 copies)
It Happens Every Summer ---- Rogers,David
Alone Together --- Roman,Lawrence
Valentin and Valentina --- Roschin,Mihail
The Remarkable Incident at Carson Corners ---- Rose,Reginald
Thunder on Sycamore Street ---- Rose,Reginald
Cyrano De Bergerac --- Rostand,Edmond (2 copies)
Laugh-In --- Rowan/Martin
I Hate Hamlet --- Rudnick,Paul (2 copies)
Educating Rita --- Russell,Willy
The Great White Hope ---- Sackler,Howard (2 copies)
Subway Circus ---- Saroyan,William (3 copies)
Fortress---- Scanlan,Michael (3 copies)
Rigth Bed, Wrong Husband ---- Schaffner, Caroline and Neil (3 copies)
The Kentucky Cycle --- Schenkkan, Robert
A Hole in the Head --- Schulman,Arnold
Heaven Can Wait ---- Segall, Harry
Up the Down Staircase ----- Sergel, Christopher (3 copies)
The Mouse That Roared ---- Sergel, Christopher
Winne-The-Pooh ----Sergel, Kristin
Meet Me in St.Louis ----Sergel,Christopher
Sleuth ---- Shaffer, Anthony
Amadeus ---- Shaffer, Peter (2 copies)
Equus --- Shaffer, Peter (2 copies)
Lettice and Lovage Shaffer, Peter
Much Ado About Nothing --- Shakespere, William
All the World's a Stage ---- Shakespere, William
Here Lies Jeremy Troy ----Sharkey, Jack
The Murder Room ---- Sharkey, Jack
Monologue Book ---- Shaw, George Bernard
Simpatico ---Shepard, Sam
The Readiness Is All ---- Sheppard, Grove
The School for Scandal ----- Sheridan, Richard Brinsley
Beau Jest ----- Sherman James
Rose --- Sherman, Martin
The Nerd ---- Shue, Larry (4 copies)
The Foreigner --- Shue, Larry (3 copies)
Story Theatre ---- Sills, Paul (4 copies)
The Food Chain ---- Silver,Nicky
The Dinner Party ---- Simon, Neil (2 copies)
California Suite ---- Simon, Neil (2 copies)
It Ought To Be In Pictures--- Simon,Neil
Proposals --- Simon,Neil (2 copies)
The Gingerbread Lady ---- Simon,Neil
Chapter Two ---- Simon,Neil
Barefoot in the Park -----Simon,Neil
The Sunshine Boys ----- Simon,Neil
Lost in Yonkers --- Simon,Neil (2 copies)
The Star-Spangled Girl---- Simon,Neil
Rumors ----Simon,Neil
Tribute --- Slade,Bernard
Romantic --- Slade,Bernard
The Lyons ---- Sliver,Nicky (2 copies)
Agatha Christie Never Took Trig ---- Smart,Jeffrey
Opera Production for Amateurs ---- Smethurst,Harold
Moongirl ---- Sodaro, Craig
Voices from Washington High -----Sodaro, Craig
Second Hand Kid ---- Sodaro,Craig
A few Good men ----Sorkin, Aaron
My Three Angels ----- Spewack,Bella and Sam
The Underpants ---- Sternheim,Carl
And Then They Came For Me: Remembering The World of Anne Frank --- Still,James
Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead ----- Stoppard,Tom
Jewish Girlz --- Swados,Elizabeth
Nerve ---- Szymkowicz,Adam
Commedia Americana ---- Tasca,Jules
Approaching Simone ---- Terry,Megan
Charley's Aunt ----Thomas, Brandon
Many Moons --- Thurber, James
A Thurber Carnival ---- Thurber,James
The Ledge --- Tolan, Stephanie S. (2 copies)
Buyer and Cellar ---- Tolins, Jonathan
The Last Night Of Ballyhoo ---- Uhry,Alfred
Driving Mrs.Daisy --- Uhry,Alfred
Rabbi Sam ----- Varon, Charlie
Happy Birthday Wanda June ---- Vonnegut Jr., Kurt (2 copies)
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest --- Wasserman, Dale
Foolish Fishgirls and The Pearl --- Weber,Barbara Pease
The Persecution and Assasination.....The Marquis de Sade ---- Weiss, David
Loose Ends ---- Weller, Michael (2 copies)
Moonchildren ---- Weller, Michael
Now There's Just the Three of Us -----Weller, Michael
The Importance of Being Earnest ---- Wilde,Oscar (3 copies)
Our Town ---- Wilder,Thornton
The Skin of Our Teeth --- Wilder,Thornton (4 copies)
Childhood --- Wilder,Thornton
The Matchmaker ---- Wilder,Thornton
Cat on a Hot Tin Roof --- Williams,Tennessee (2 copies)
A Streetcar Named Desire ---- Williams,Tennessee
Sweet Bird of Youth ---- Williams,Tennessee
A Lovely Sunday for Creve Coeur ---- Williams,Tennessee
The Gnadiges Fraulein -----Williams,Tennessee
Red, White, and Tuna ----Williams/Sears/Howard
Greater Tuna --- Williams/Sears/Howard (2 copies)
Jitney --- Wilson,August
The Piano Lesson --- Wilson,August
Book of Days --- Wilson,Lanford (2 copies)
Burn This ---- Wilson,Lanford
The Rimers of Eldritch --- Wilson,Lanford
Serenading Louie ---- Wilson,Lanford
The Hot l Baltimore --- Wilson,Lanford
The Colored Museum ---- Wolfe,George C.
The Caine Mutiny Court-Martial --- Wouk,Herman
I Am My Own Wife ----- Wright,Doug
Mrs.Klein ---- Wright,Nicholas
The Stress Years -----Wyatt,Jacque
Wiley and the Hairy Man --- Zeder, Sugar (3 copies)
Mother Hicks ---- Zeder,Suzan
Every Seventeen Minutes The Crowd Goes Crazy! ---- Zindel,Paul
The Effect of Gamma Rays On Man-In-The -Moon ------ Zindel,Paul
Crushed ------ Zolidis, Don (2 copies)
The Matchmakers ----- Zolidis,Don
All I Really Need to Know I learned in Kindergarten ---Zulia, Ernest
Rough Magic --- Aguirre-Sacasa, Roberto
The Goat Or, Who Is Sylvia? --- Albee,Edward
Duck Hunter Shoots Again --- Albom, Mitch
Little Women --- Alcott, Laurence
Time Out for Ginger --- Alexander, Ronald
Play It Again, Sam --- Allan, Woody (4 copies)
Don't Drink the Water --- Allan, Woody (3 copies)
The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie --- Allen, Jay Presson
The Red Shoes --- Andersen, Hans Christen
The Baby Dance --- Anderson, Jane
Becket --- Anouilh, Jean
Antigone--- Anoulih, Jean
The LaAnouilhlih, Jean 2
Lysisrata --- Aristophanes
How the Other Half Loves --- Ayckbourn, Allan
Relativley Speaking --- Ayckbourn, Allan
Woman In Mind --- Ayckbourn, Allan (2 copies)
The Norman Conquests --- Ayckbourn, Allan
Confusions --- Ayckbourn,Alan
Southern Girls --- Bailey/Temple
Circle Mirror Transformation --- Baker, Annie
39 Steps --- Barlow, Patrick
The Painted Face --- Bass/Hoffmire
The Little Dog Laughed --- Beane, Douglas Carter
The Country Club --- Beane, Douglas Carter
The Rover --- Behn, Aphra
Who's Crazy Now --- Bell, Gerald
The History Boys --- Bennett, Allan
Paradise Infirm --- Bermann, Karl
Barretts of Wimpole Street --- Besier, Rudolf
Eleemosynary --- Blessing, Lee
A Gap in Generations --- Blunt, Jerry (2 copies)
A Man For All Seasons --- Bolt, Robert
Saved --- Bond, Edward
Crossin' The Line --- Bosakowski, Phil
The Martin Chronicles --- Bradbury, Ray
Fahrenheit 451 --- Bradbury, Ray
Drop Dead --- Braun, Wilbur
Rehearsal for Murder --- Brooke, D.D.
Woyzeck --- Buchner, Georg 2
Cactus Flower --- Burrows, Abe (2 copies)
Psycho Beach Party --- Busch, Charles
Graceland --- Byron, Ellen
Asleep on the Wind --- Byron, Ellen
Caligula --- Camus, Albert
Last Gas --- Cariani, John
Victoria's House --- Carmichael, Fred
Scenes for Aspiring Actors --- Cassady, Marsh
Pudd'nhead Wilson --- Chadwicke, Alice
Hope For Breakfast --- Champerlain, Marisha
Scheherazade --- Champerlain, Marisha
Harvey ----Chase, Mary (4 copies)
Chekhov Compilation --- Chekhov, Anton
A Doll's House --- Chekhov, Anton
A Murder is Announced --- Christie, Agatha
The Mousetrap --- Christie, Agatha
Top Girls --- Churchill, Caryl
Cloud Nine --- Churchill, Caryl
You'll Love My Wife --- Clinton, Edward
Medal of Honor Rag --- Cole, Tom
Servant of two masters --- Cone, Tom
The Code Breaker --- Conley, Pauline C. (2 copies)
Run For Your Wife --- Cooney, Ray
The Liar --- Corneille, Pierre
Blithe Spirit --- Coward, Noel (2 copies)
Pizza Man --- Craviotto, Darlene
The Shadows Box --- Cristofer, Michael
The First Time Club --- Curran, KT
Volpone or The Fox Johnson --- Davidson, Harlan
Mass Appeal --- Davis, Bill
Dracula --- Dean/Balderson
Voices 2000 --- Dee, Peter
...and stuff... ---- Dee, Peter
The Rememberer --- Dietz, Steven
Tracers --- DiFusco, John
Over the River and Through the Woods --- DiPietro, Joe
Rounding Third ---- Dresser, Richard (2 copies)
I Remember Mama --- Druten, John Van
Scapino --- Dunlop/Dale
Sister mary Ignatius Explains it All for you --- Durang, Christopher
The Actors's Nightmare ---- Durang, Christopher
Durang/Durang---- Durang, Christopher
Vanya and Sonia and Masha and Spike ---- Durang, Christopher
India Song ---- Duras, Marguerite
The Visit --- Durrenmapp, Friedrich
Anna Karenina ---- Edmundson, Helen
Wit ---- Edson, Margaret (2 copies)
The Flu Season --- Eno, Will
The Good Body ---- Ensler, Eve
Medea --- Euripides (5 copies)
The Bacchae --- Euripides
Hecuba ---- Euripides
Stage Door --- Ferber/Kaufman (2 copies)
The Last of the Thorntons --- Foote, Horton
No mother to guide her; or more to be pitied than censured --- Forsythe, Anthony
Father of the Bride --- Francke, Caroline
Alas, Babylon --- Frank, Pat
Copenhagen --- Frayn, Michael
A Bedfull of Foreigners ---- Freeman, Dave
Look Homeward, Angel ---- Frings, Ketti
The Lady's Not For Burning ---- Fry, Christopher
My Children! My Africa! ---- Fugard, Athol
Master Harold and the Boys---- Fugard, Athol (2 copies)
I'm Not Rappaport ---- Gadner, Herb
A Flear in Her Ear --- Galati, Frank (3 copies)
A Hateful of Rain ---- Gazzo, Michael V.
Butterflies are Free --- Gershe, Leonard (2 copies)
[sic]--- Gibson, Melissa James
The Miracle Worker ---Gibson, Wiliam
The Butterfingers Angel, Mary & Joseph, Herod the Nut, & The Slaughter of 12 Hit Carols in a Pair Tree ---- Gibson, William (2 copies)
The Mikado ---- Gilbert, William Schwenck (2 copies)
The Jury Room --- Gilford, C.B.
Spinning into Butter --- Gilman, Rebecca
Don't Count on Forever --- Gilsenan, Nancy
The Crucifer of Blood --- Giovanni, Paul
Tigar at the Gates ---- Giraudoux, Jean
The Enchanted ---- Giraudoux, Jean
Louder, I can't hear you ---- Gleason, Bill (2 copies)
The Pink Panther Strikes Again --- Gleason, William
Shakers --- Godber/Thornton
Faust (part one) --- Goethe,Johann Wolfgang Von
The Government Inspector ---- Gogol (2 copies)
The Inspector General ---- Gogol (3 copies)
She Stoops to Conquer --- Goldsmith, Oliver (4 copies)
The Diary of Anne Frank --- Goodrich/Hacket
Come back to the 5 & Dime, --- Jimmy Dean, Jimmy Dean Graczyk, Ed
Push Grant, George Cameron
How i Got that story --- Gray, Amlin
Quartermain's Term --- Gray, Simon
The Boys Next Door --- Griffin, Tom (4 copies)
The Undercover Lover ---- Grote, David
The House of Blue Leaves --- Guare, John
Six Degrees of Separation --- Guare, John (2 copies)
Our Lady of 121st Street ---- Guirgis, Stephen Adly
Cocktail Hour --- Gurney, A.R.
The Dining Room ---- Gurney, A.R.
Fearful Symmetry ---- Haehnel, Alan
15 Reasons Not to Be in a Play ---- Haehnel, Alan
Hollywood Arms ---- Hamilton/ Burnet
84 Charing Cross Road ---- Hannff, Helene
A Raisin in the Sun ---- Hansberry, Lorraine (2 copies)
Song of Survival --- Harder, Eleanor/ Ray
The Vertical Hour --- Hare, David
Plenty --- Hare, David
The Immigrant --- Harlik, Mark
Making Choices --- Harrel, Wayne
The Dresser --- Harwood, Ronald
Vanities ---- Heifner, Jack
The Little Foxes --- Hellman, Lilian
The Lucky Spot ----Henley, Beth
Impossible Marriage ---- Henley, Beth
Blue Denim ---- Herlihy/Noble
Approaching Zanzibar --- Howe, Tina (2 copies)
Painting Churches --- Howe, Tina
The Art of Dining --- Howe, Tina (3 copies)
See Rock City ---- Hutton, Arlene
M.Butterfly ----Hwang, David Henry (2 copies)
Four Ibsen Plays ----- Ibsen, Henrik
Polaroid Stories --- Iizuka, Naomi
Mystery Play --- Itallie,Jean-Clude Van
Troubled Times --- Jacoby, Bruce
An Act of God ----Javerbaun, David
A Tale of Two Cities ---- Johnson, Robert
Stones in His Pocket --- Jones, Marie
Rashbomon --- Kanin, Fay/Micheal (4 copies)
Born Yesterday ---- Kanin, Garson (2 copies)
Speech and Debate ----- Karam, Stephen
The Empty Chair -------Kelly, Tim
Dirty Work in High Places ----- Kelly, Tim (3 copies)
It Was a Dark and Stormy ---- Kelly, Tim
Sweeney Todd ---- Kelly, Tim
M*A*S*H ----- Kelly, Tim
Murder in the Magnolias ----- Kelly, Tim
Les Miserables ----- Kelly, Tim
Jane Eyre ---- Kendall, Jane
Poor Richard ---- Kerr, Jean
My Sister in THis House ---- Kesselman
Arsenic and Old Lace ---- Kesselring, Joseph (2 copies)
Fresh Horses ---- Ketron, Larry
See How They Run --- King, Philip (2 copies)
Cyrano ---- Kornhauser, Barry
The Normal Heart ---- Kramer, Larry
Tables Settings ---- Lapine, James
A Piece of My heart ---- Lauro, Shirley
The Thread That Runs So True --- Lawrence, Reginald
Auntie Mame --- Lawrence/ Lee (2 copies)
The Night Thoreau Spent in Jail ---- Lawrence/ Lee (2 copies)
Colored People's Time ---- Lee, Leslie
And they dance real slow in jackson ---- Leonard Jr., Jim (2 copies)
The Diviners ----- Leonard Jr., Jim
"Da" ---- Leonard, Hugh
Anna K ---- Leontovich, Eugene
The Sprial Staircase ---- Leslie, Andrew
Superior Donuts ---- Letts, Tracy
Critics Choice ---- Levin, Ira
Bike America ---- Lew, Mike
Fuddy Meers ---- Lindsay-Abaire, David
Rabit Hole ---- Lindsay-Abaire, David
The Waverly Gallery ---- Lonergan, Kenneth
Lobby Hero ---- Lonergan, Kenneth
Rhinoceros ---- Lonesco, Eugene
Prelude to a Kiss ---- Lucas, Craig (2 copies)
J.B. --- MacLeish, Archibald
The Shallow End and The Lost Colony ---- MacLeod, Wendy
Race ---- Mamet, David
Oleanna --- Mamet, David (2 copies)
A Life in the Theatre --- Mamet, David
After Miss Julie ---- Marber, Patrick
Collected Stories ---- Marguiles, Donald
Brooklyn Boys ---- Marguiles, Donald
Dinner With Friends ---- Marguiles, Donald
The Loman Family Picnic ----- Marguiles, Donald
Dinner With Friends --- Margulies,Donald
Wrong Turn at Lungfish ---- Marshall/Ganz
Kelly and Du ---- Martin, Jane
The Woolgatherer ---- Mastrosimone, William
Extremites----- Mastrosimone, William
The Member of the Wedding club ---- McCullers, Carson
The Pillowman ---- McDonagh, Martin
The Pillowman ---- McDonagh, Martin
Dolls ---- McDonough, Jerome
Asylum ---- McDonough, Jerome 2
Addict --- McDonough, Jerome
Electra ---- McGuinness, Frank
The Day They Shot John ----- Lennon McLure, James
Love!VAlour!Compassion! ---- McNally, Terrence
Frankie and Johnny in the Clair De Lune ---- McNally, Terrence
Sweet Eros ---- McNally, Terrence
Witness ---- McNally, Terrence
Master Class ---- McNally, Terrence
Dublin Carol --- McPherson,Conor
14 More Ways to Screw Up Your College Interview --- McWethy, Ian
After-Play ---- Meara, Anne
The Crucible --- Miller, Arthur (2 copies)
Playng for Time ---- Miller, Arthur (2 copies)
All My Sons ---- Miller, Arthur
The Incredible Years ---- Miller, Ev
Sticks 'N Stones ---- Miller, Ev
That Championship Season ----- Miller, Jason
Another Country ---- Mitchell, Julian
The Miser ---- Moliere (4 copies)
The Docotr in Spite of Himself ---- Moliere
Tartuffe ---- Moliere (3 copies)
The School for Wives ---- Moliere
Amphityron --- Moliere
The Imaginary Invalid --- Moliere
The School for Husbands ---- Moliere
Babies having Babies ---- Montgomery/Auerbach
Frost/Nixon ----- Morgan, Peter
Southern Discomfort --- Morreale Jr., Vin
Audition for Murder --- Moushey, Eileen
Something in my Dreams --- Muschell, David
Adventures of Huckleberry --- Finn Myler, Randal
The Rainmaker ---- Nash, N. Richard (2 copies)
The Guys ---- Nelson, Anne
Some Americans Abroad ----- Nelson, Richard
To Be Young, Gifted and Black ----- Nemiroff, Robert (3 copies)
Shooting Stars --- Newman, Molly
She Kills Monsters ---- Nguyen, Qui (2 copies)
Joe Egg ---- Nichols, Peter
Shadowlands ---- Nicholson, William
Robin Hood --- Nigro,Don (2 copies)
Vincent --- Nimoy, Leonard
Getting Out ---- Norman, Marsha
Night Mother --- Norman, Marsha
Clybourne Park --- Norris, Bruce (2 copies)
Summer of the Aliens --- Nowra,Louis
Henery.. Sweet Henry --- Nunnally/Merrill
Once a Catholic ---- O'Malley, Mary (2 copies)
The Iceman Cometh ---- O'Neill, Eugene (2 copies)
Noah --- Obey, Andre
The Country Girl ---- Odets,Clifford
What the Butler Saw ---- Orton,Joe
And The Flights of Angels --- Ortwein, Terrence
Morning's at Seven ---- Osborn,Paul (3 copies)
Dags --- Oswald, Debra
Topdog Underdog --- Park,Suzan-Lori
Scooter Thomas Makes it to The Top of The World --- Parnell,Peter
USA --- Passos/Shyre
Everybody Loves Opal ----- Patrick, John
The Hasty Heart ---- Patrick, John
The Teahouse of The August Moon --- Patrick,John
Evelyn In Purgatory ----- Payne, Topher
The Way of The World Congreve ---- Perry, Henry T.E.
Reindeer Soup ----- Pintauro, Joe
The Hothouse ---- Pinter,Harold
Betrayal ---- Pinter,Harold
Six Characters in Search of an Author --- Pirandello, Luigi
The Elephant Man ---- Pomerance, Bernard (2 copies)
Among Friends and Clutter---- Price,Lindsay
Wait Wait Bo Bait ---- Price,Lindsay
Plays in Ten ---- Raine, David S.
Night of January 16th ----- Rand,Ayn
Check, Please ---- Rand,Jonathan (2 copies)
Reservations ---- Rand,Lisa
6 Rms Riv Vu ---- Randall,Bob
Where the Lilies Bloom ---- Raspanti,Celeste (2 copies)
David and Lisa --- Reach, James (2 copies)
The Dream of the Burning Boy --- Read, David West
O Beautiful --- Rebeck Theresa
Insight --- Regina,Emilio
Any Wednesday --- Resnik,Muriel
Dark of the Moon --- Richardson/Berney
Album--- Rimmer,David (2 copies)
Get Bill Shakespeare Off the Stage! --- Robinette, Joseph
Charlotte's Web ---- Robinette, Joseph
Here and Now ----- Rogers,David (2 copies)
Flowers for Algernon ---- Rogers,David (2 copies)
It Happens Every Summer ---- Rogers,David
Alone Together --- Roman,Lawrence
Valentin and Valentina --- Roschin,Mihail
The Remarkable Incident at Carson Corners ---- Rose,Reginald
Thunder on Sycamore Street ---- Rose,Reginald
Cyrano De Bergerac --- Rostand,Edmond (2 copies)
Laugh-In --- Rowan/Martin
I Hate Hamlet --- Rudnick,Paul (2 copies)
Educating Rita --- Russell,Willy
The Great White Hope ---- Sackler,Howard (2 copies)
Subway Circus ---- Saroyan,William (3 copies)
Fortress---- Scanlan,Michael (3 copies)
Rigth Bed, Wrong Husband ---- Schaffner, Caroline and Neil (3 copies)
The Kentucky Cycle --- Schenkkan, Robert
A Hole in the Head --- Schulman,Arnold
Heaven Can Wait ---- Segall, Harry
Up the Down Staircase ----- Sergel, Christopher (3 copies)
The Mouse That Roared ---- Sergel, Christopher
Winne-The-Pooh ----Sergel, Kristin
Meet Me in St.Louis ----Sergel,Christopher
Sleuth ---- Shaffer, Anthony
Amadeus ---- Shaffer, Peter (2 copies)
Equus --- Shaffer, Peter (2 copies)
Lettice and Lovage Shaffer, Peter
Much Ado About Nothing --- Shakespere, William
All the World's a Stage ---- Shakespere, William
Here Lies Jeremy Troy ----Sharkey, Jack
The Murder Room ---- Sharkey, Jack
Monologue Book ---- Shaw, George Bernard
Simpatico ---Shepard, Sam
The Readiness Is All ---- Sheppard, Grove
The School for Scandal ----- Sheridan, Richard Brinsley
Beau Jest ----- Sherman James
Rose --- Sherman, Martin
The Nerd ---- Shue, Larry (4 copies)
The Foreigner --- Shue, Larry (3 copies)
Story Theatre ---- Sills, Paul (4 copies)
The Food Chain ---- Silver,Nicky
The Dinner Party ---- Simon, Neil (2 copies)
California Suite ---- Simon, Neil (2 copies)
It Ought To Be In Pictures--- Simon,Neil
Proposals --- Simon,Neil (2 copies)
The Gingerbread Lady ---- Simon,Neil
Chapter Two ---- Simon,Neil
Barefoot in the Park -----Simon,Neil
The Sunshine Boys ----- Simon,Neil
Lost in Yonkers --- Simon,Neil (2 copies)
The Star-Spangled Girl---- Simon,Neil
Rumors ----Simon,Neil
Tribute --- Slade,Bernard
Romantic --- Slade,Bernard
The Lyons ---- Sliver,Nicky (2 copies)
Agatha Christie Never Took Trig ---- Smart,Jeffrey
Opera Production for Amateurs ---- Smethurst,Harold
Moongirl ---- Sodaro, Craig
Voices from Washington High -----Sodaro, Craig
Second Hand Kid ---- Sodaro,Craig
A few Good men ----Sorkin, Aaron
My Three Angels ----- Spewack,Bella and Sam
The Underpants ---- Sternheim,Carl
And Then They Came For Me: Remembering The World of Anne Frank --- Still,James
Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead ----- Stoppard,Tom
Jewish Girlz --- Swados,Elizabeth
Nerve ---- Szymkowicz,Adam
Commedia Americana ---- Tasca,Jules
Approaching Simone ---- Terry,Megan
Charley's Aunt ----Thomas, Brandon
Many Moons --- Thurber, James
A Thurber Carnival ---- Thurber,James
The Ledge --- Tolan, Stephanie S. (2 copies)
Buyer and Cellar ---- Tolins, Jonathan
The Last Night Of Ballyhoo ---- Uhry,Alfred
Driving Mrs.Daisy --- Uhry,Alfred
Rabbi Sam ----- Varon, Charlie
Happy Birthday Wanda June ---- Vonnegut Jr., Kurt (2 copies)
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest --- Wasserman, Dale
Foolish Fishgirls and The Pearl --- Weber,Barbara Pease
The Persecution and Assasination.....The Marquis de Sade ---- Weiss, David
Loose Ends ---- Weller, Michael (2 copies)
Moonchildren ---- Weller, Michael
Now There's Just the Three of Us -----Weller, Michael
The Importance of Being Earnest ---- Wilde,Oscar (3 copies)
Our Town ---- Wilder,Thornton
The Skin of Our Teeth --- Wilder,Thornton (4 copies)
Childhood --- Wilder,Thornton
The Matchmaker ---- Wilder,Thornton
Cat on a Hot Tin Roof --- Williams,Tennessee (2 copies)
A Streetcar Named Desire ---- Williams,Tennessee
Sweet Bird of Youth ---- Williams,Tennessee
A Lovely Sunday for Creve Coeur ---- Williams,Tennessee
The Gnadiges Fraulein -----Williams,Tennessee
Red, White, and Tuna ----Williams/Sears/Howard
Greater Tuna --- Williams/Sears/Howard (2 copies)
Jitney --- Wilson,August
The Piano Lesson --- Wilson,August
Book of Days --- Wilson,Lanford (2 copies)
Burn This ---- Wilson,Lanford
The Rimers of Eldritch --- Wilson,Lanford
Serenading Louie ---- Wilson,Lanford
The Hot l Baltimore --- Wilson,Lanford
The Colored Museum ---- Wolfe,George C.
The Caine Mutiny Court-Martial --- Wouk,Herman
I Am My Own Wife ----- Wright,Doug
Mrs.Klein ---- Wright,Nicholas
The Stress Years -----Wyatt,Jacque
Wiley and the Hairy Man --- Zeder, Sugar (3 copies)
Mother Hicks ---- Zeder,Suzan
Every Seventeen Minutes The Crowd Goes Crazy! ---- Zindel,Paul
The Effect of Gamma Rays On Man-In-The -Moon ------ Zindel,Paul
Crushed ------ Zolidis, Don (2 copies)
The Matchmakers ----- Zolidis,Don
All I Really Need to Know I learned in Kindergarten ---Zulia, Ernest